Current Recruitment: We are currently looking for an passionate individual who can proactively work with the board, directors and staff to guide the charity and strengthen our community. Have a look at the vacancy here.
To better reflect and advocate for our community, we are particularly interested in applications from females, people with lived experienced of poor mental health or disabilities and people from ethnically diverse communities.
The role of our Trustees: The Farm's trustees work with the leadership team to guide the charity and to make sure it delivers for our beneficiaries. In addition to providing skills and experiences, trustees contribute to the overall governance of the Farm helping staff and trustees to deliver our aim to better connect people with the story of their food, and to support disadvantaged members of the community to learn, grow and thrive. The main duties of a trustees are:
- Contribute to and set the strategic direction of the Farm. Define goals, setting targets and evaluating performance.
- Monitoring the financial performance position of the Farm and ensuring it operates within its means whilst putting the interests of our beneficiaries at the front of our decision-making process.
- Actively seek to understand and also further the strategic objectives of the Farm.
- Work with the relevant staff members to monitor health and safety or financial documentation (depending on which area of experience you bring).
The board meets 6 times per year and we also ask that trustees volunteer at least two of our community events over the course of the year.
There is an induction process in place to support any new trustee joining us to ensure the successful candidate feels welcomed and is supported as they take on the responsibilities of their position.
The current chair is Jackie Barker who can be contacted via the Office.
To find out more, please contact us on 01179442149 or email the office:
How to become a trustee
1. Contact the Farm to express your interest in becoming a trustee. The Farm office will notify the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
2. The Chair will inform the applicant if positions are available and offer brief description of what is involved as a Trustee.
3. If a position is available, the applicant will submit the following documents to the chair:
- A New Trustee Form including personal contact details and those of two references (one must be a professional reference i.e. most recent employer, other voluntary organisation, educational establishment etc). In line with the Charities Act 1993, this form will seek declaration that the applicant is not disqualified by law from acting as trustees including: i. anyone who has an unspent conviction for an offence involving deception or dishonesty; ii. anyone who is an undischarged bankrupt; iii. anyone who has been removed from trusteeship of a charity by the Court or the Commissioners for misconduct or mismanagement; and iv. anyone under a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.
- A letter of application stating that they would like to become involved and what skills/knowledge/time etc they can offer the Farm as a Trustee
- An up-to-date C.V.
4. The letter of application and C.V. will be distributed amongst existing trustees, and the applicant will be invited to shadow one or two trustee meetings to get a feel for the role (however they do not have any voting abilities at this stage).
5. If both applicant and Board of Trustees agree the applicant will support the Farm in a positive way, the applicant may be nominated as a trustee at the following Board Meeting, or asked to stand as a co-optee until the formal election process at the AGM.
6. Prior to election, the applicant must complete and return a completed Farm Membership Form and payment method (if not already a full and current member). The Farm Office will seek references for the applicant and share with the Chair once received and undertake a DBS check.
7. Following election to the Board, the applicant will be advised to view the Wiki pages for meeting papers and will be given access to the trustee manual.
Applicants who are not acceptable will be informed in writing. The reason for not being accepted will be stated clearly and will be kept confidentially in the office.