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How to support your City Farm


St Werburghs City Farm is a registered charity (number 297091). Your DONATION allows those at most need within our communities to access vital services that build skills and knowledge, and increase well-being and self-esteem, as well as making green spaces freely accessible to all.

We're extremely grateful for one-off donations of any size.

If it's within your reach, the most effective way to support the City Farm is to become a regular MONTHLY DONOR, as this allows us to better plan for the future and support our communities' ongoing needs.

How to donate:

  • Use the "Tap to Donate" machine when you visit the Farm
  • Make a one-off online donation below
  • Become a regular Monthly Donor below

Gifts in Wills

Over 45 years the Farm has undergone much change. Trees have grown, buildings have been constructed, generations have walked through our gates, and our services have supported thousands of people in need. Gifts in Wills have been much needed support, securing the future of our sites and services.

After you have provided for your loved ones, please consider leaving a gift to St Werburghs City Farm in your Will.

Unrestricted gifts to our charity are particularly valuable as they allow us to use your donation where the need is greatest. However, if you would prefer to support a specific area of our work, please contact us to discuss the options.

To talk to someone in confidence about including a gift in your will to St Werburghs City Farm, please contact Martha Robbins by emailing or call the Farm at 0117 942 8241.

There are two types of gifts you can make in your Will:

  • A Residuary Gift
  • A Pecuniary Gift

Gifts to charities are exempt from inheritance tax which means that leaving a gift to St Werburghs City Farm may help reduce your tax liability. In addition, if you leave 10% or more of the net value of your estate to charity in your Will, your estate may qualify for inheritance tax at a reduced rate. Please discuss with a solicitor if you need advice.

Please let us know if you have left a gift in your Will to St Werburghs City Farm, or decide to do so.

In preparing your Will, you will need to know our charity details, which are:

Charity name: St Werburghs City Farm

Registered address: St Werburghs City Farm, Watercress Rd, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9YJ Registered

Charity No: 297091

Your Workplace

Businesses can help to secure the future of our amazing sites, projects, and events. Your company can support the Farm by sponsoring our events, donating to our projects, and hiring our spaces. We are a small charity and partnering with your workplace has a huge impact.

Download our Corporate Partnerships brochure to discover all the ways you can get 'Out of the Office, and Onto the Farm!'

St Werburghs City Farm
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