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Animal Care

Our Animal Care sessions offer young people a weekly placement to help run our small holding as part of our Work to Learn programme (educational and wellbeing focused alternative curriculum opportunities).

Young people take part in the maintenance of the Farm and care of its animals including cleaning their homes, feeding, and of course, cuddling them!

We'll also be learning crafts, natural hacks and woodwork to stock up our seasonal kiosk.

Schedule: Monday from 10AM - 2:30PM.

Age: 11 - 18 years old.

Eligibility: each session costs £60  (full term paid at the end of each term) or placements can be arranged via referrals from schools, care workers, social workers, medical services, local youth organisations or pupil referral units.

Accredited by ASDAN.

For more information please email or call 01179428241.

St Werburghs City Farm
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