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Adults & Volunteering

We offer a range of volunteer and wellbeing opportunities that enable people to spend time in a green space, meet new people, navigate mental health difficulties or life challenges, learn new skills or get work experience.

Have a look at the sessions we offer below and if you would like to register your interest to volunteer please fill out or Volunteer Application Form below.

If you have any questions please contact or call 0117 9428241.

*Please note, these programmes are for people who can attend independently. For people who require additional support please visit Supported Farming & Green Care.

**Please follow the link if you wish to enquire about a Team Challenge. The above form for individual requests only.

Current activities include:

Animals Care

Spend the morning or afternoon on the farm helping to feed look after the animals, as well undertaking other farm-based activities, such as painting pigsties and fixing fences.

Wednesdays: 11am - 3pm

For more information click here.

Landscaping and Conservation

Help to manage all the Farm’s green spaces for the benefit of community and wildlife. One of our more physical sessions, expect to help create wildlife ponds, fix steps, look after our bees, and much more.

Wednesdays: 11pm – 3pm

For more information click here.


A gentle cooking and growing group, we meet each week to work together and create a delicious healthy meal which we share with each other at the end of each session.

Mondays: 11:00am - 2:00pm.

For more information click here.


Help Propagation Place, the Farm's social enterprise, with seed sowing, tidying beds, washing plant trays, watering, planting up raised and ground beds, weeding, plant harvesting and more.

Mondays (for 18-25s) and Wednesdays: 10:30am - 12.30pm (during winter, Wednesdays only)

For more information click here.

Friday Drop-in

Based at Boiling Wells these sessions offer a large diversity of activities including woodcarving, landscaping, horticulture, preparing for events and much more. Generally, people move to this group once they have taken part in one of our 12-week voluntary activities.

Fridays: 11pm – 3pm

For more information click here.

Supported Farming & Green Care Lead Volunteer

If you’re interested in supporting neurodiverse adults in therapeutic animal care and horticultural activities, we would love to hear from you.

Mondays to Fridays: 10am – 3pm

For more information click here, or contact us in the at the following:

Email: Phone: 0117 9442149


We run a series of fundraising events, including our famous Summer Fair, which we always need help with, be it on the bar, as a fire marshal or helping with various activities. They wouldn’t happen without volunteers so fill out our form if interested.

Various weekends throughout the year.

For more information click here.

St Werburghs City Farm
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